Thursday, July 20, 2023

Feeling Refurbished?


     Have you ever bought a computer or tablet that has been ‘refurbished’? They’ve taken it apart, cleaned it up, and theoretically fixed what wasn’t working properly. You can save quite a bit of money that way, but you also wonder how long it will last. Does it have a warranty? On Amazon, they now call these ‘renewed’. 

     I was pondering this concept after I read one of Brian Simmons (Passion Translation) comments on us as New Creations.  This morning his comment on Galatians 6:15 stopped me again. “What really matters is the transforming power of the new creation life.”  God’s word says He makes us ‘new creations’ when we receive Yeshua as our Savior and entrust our lives to Him. New Creations. That’s not rehabilitation or refurbishment, or reconstruction. It’s total transformation into a new creature.  He doesn’t just ‘reboot’ us or take us apart, as my mechanical engineer sons do, laying our pieces on a table, cleaning them, oiling them, fixing broken parts, and then putting everything back together, ‘good as new’.

     Although I’m a great fan of rehabilitation (and God is all about the ‘re’* words), it is not a true image of the work of our Creator’s hands. Although we may at times feel simply rehabilitated, reconstructed, or even more like a jumble of parts struggling to function together; that is not who we are. That is not how He sees us, either. His eyes light up at His stunning new creation, made in the likeness of His Son. 

     In his 51st psalm, David asked the Father to ‘create in [him]a new heart. A new heart. Not to just clean up and fix the old, broken, soiled one. Hmmmm.

     Lately, my nearly 70 year-old-body (and sometimes soul) is feeling in need of refurbishment and renewal. Yet, even renewal is not an adequate term for the transforming power of God in and over those who ‘have died with Him and will one day be resurrected like Him.’ In fact, God’s word says that ‘the same power that conquered the grave lives in us….now!*** Start seeing what God sees. Picture yourself not just rebuilt or even simply injected’ by His Holy Spirit, but totally transformed into a new creation. Tell the struggling ‘members’ of your body, soul, and spirit who they really are. Instruct them to ‘hop to it’ and run that race set before you with new creation zeal! 


“We have become His poetry, a re-created people, that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us.” —Ephesians 2: 10 (TPT)

*Renewal, Restitution, Redemption, Revival, Revolution, Reinvigoration, Reassurance, Reawakening, Rebirth, Recoupment, Recovery, Rectification,, Recuperation, Re-establishment, Regeneration, Reformation, Refreshment, Refuge, Rejuvenation, Rejoicing,… (I could keep going, but I will spare you.)

** See the Passion Translation’s comment on Psalm 51:

***Ephesians 1: 19-20

1 Thessalonians 3:10

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sound of Freedom…Rescuing the Children

     Yesterday, my husband and I went to see the movie, Sound of Freedom. I was reluctant to go, despite my desire to support its creators and the cause for which the movie was produced. I didn’t think I could bear watching. Yet what are the children bearing? All I had to do was watch the movie. “Sound of Freedom” was actually made 5 years ago, but every possible roadblock came against it, so that it didn’t come out until now. 

     I can’t really describe its impact. The power of it, including the message from Jim Caviezel following it, was profound. [Jim gave a phenomenal performance of this true story, by the way.]

     I have been aware for many years of the trafficking of children. I have supported Life Outreach International’s Rescue Life ministry off and on through the years. They share the realities of the horrific plight of these children on their programs.  More recently I have heard of the pervasive, mind-boggling increase of pedophilia in our own country and the multi-billion dollar ‘industry’ woven throughout all seven mountains of our culture, including our government. I thought to myself, ‘What can I do? After the movie, I prayed, ‘Lord, what do you WANT me to do?  Truly a different question.  

     His first step for me? “Share about the movie and about ministries for which your friends can both pray, as well as support financially.” So that is what you’ll find below. Please go see the movie in the theater, if you haven’t already.. Don’t wait. Share with your friends, in turn. Then support people ‘on the ground’ who are committed to helping these little ones. and the adults who have been trafficked since their robbed childhoods.. That is my plan, also, for today, each month, and whenever God prompts me to do so.

     Lastly, pray and decree for exposure and justice for traffickers at every level, as well as for freedom, healing, and restoration of body, soul, and spirit for the victims.of these despicable crimes.

   As “Sound of Freedom” declares: God’s children are not for sale!  

VOLUNTEER at an anti-trafficking organization near you. For example I found one in my area which needs volunteers to help at fundraising events and to help out at their sanctuary homes for rescued children.


1) Life Outreach International [Rescue LIFE]

They “Reach, Rescue, Restore” trafficked children, going into dangerous areas where there is high trafficking, rescuing individuals and then providing safe homes, orphanages, education, and training so they can support themselves.

2) Tim Tebow Foundation’s Rescue Team

“The Rescue Team is an army of people committed to emgaging, inspiring, and equipping others in the fight against human trafficking.”

3) Joyce Meyer Hand of Hope anti-trafficking ministry

They work to rescue women and children “in the U.S., Australia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Greece, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.” Once rescued, the chi,ldren and adults “receive love, housing, schooling, job skill training, and biblical counseling to help build and restore their lives.”


I know there are many other organizations, but these are three I trust implicitly. Be careful to whom you donate. Our current government publicizes anti-trafficking materials,, but behind the scenes………

    If you know personally of other good organizations to support, please add a comment to this post.  While you’re at it, enrage the Enemy by singing this “children’s” song aloud:

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world..  

In His love, Julie

“…and whoever ensnares one of these little ones who trust me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the open sea!” —Matthew 18:16