Saturday, December 31, 2022


 Forgive me, dear friends, for taking. So long to write again.There were issues with my blogspot link, which was somehow considered ‘insecure’ and kept people from reading my blog. We seem to be back on track once again. Thank you for persevering with me.



     I wanted to write and encourage you, to give you hope for 2023. If you have not been a follower of Elijah Streams or any modern day prophets, you might see nothing but gloom ahead. Or even if you have been faithfully listening to God’s words of encouragement over the past 2 years, you might be wondering if any of these rhema messages were truly from God. It seems to be taking so much longer than we all thought. .

     However, let me speak as strongly as I possibly can: Do not give up believing that these messages have been from Him and that they SHALL come to pass. There has been so much radical cleanup necessary, deeper and farther and more widespread than we even imagined.. We truly had no idea how bad things were.

     The Ekklesia, the (remnant) governmental Church, is praying, believing, and decreeing, and it must continue to do so. We are partnering with Him in the greatest move of history ever. We musn’t let the enemy convince us that it was all for naught. He’s desperate to get us to stop believing God and stop decreeing, especially his own downfall.

     We must stand up and SPEAK forth from both God’s LOGOS word and His currently spoken RHEMA word: what He says HAS already happened, what IS happening, what He says WILL happen, and what His WILL is for us, for this nation, and for the world. [Romans 4:17] We must know who we are as warriors. Our shoes aren’t just shod with ‘the gospel of peace’, they are shod in combat boots! [Proverbs 22:22]

     Let’s not be like the Israelites in the desert who whined, complained, and refused to believe where God was taking them. They maligned God’s character and doubted His word, because all they could ‘see’ was what was right in front of them, what they were currently experiencing.

     Let’s make God’s heart glad by thanking Him for what He has done, is doing, and will do. Believe Him! Speak forth what He is speaking. Rejoice in His goodness. Trust Him with our whole hearts.

     Besides listening to Elijah Streams on Rumble (they were banned by YouTube) or at, listen to people like Julie Green and Tim Sheets. Tim has a new book (print or Kindle) called Prayers and Decrees, as well as a slightly older one called Angel Armies. I have both and have been specifically decreeing from them. 

     We musn’t allow ourselves to be weighed down by discouragement. Let’s listen to God’s streaming instead of secular media sources. Our whole understanding of what is real will be radically altered. We’ll see before us the vision of His plans.

     If you’ve already been listening, and doubt has crept in, banish it right now in Jesus’ Name. Rejoice and be thankful that everything He has said IS coming to pass. Don’t be concerned about individual misunderstandings of particular prophecies. He IS rescuing our world, and NOTHING can stop Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. Stand up, cheer and shout! 

“God is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures from generation to generation.” Hallelujah! 


If you’d like more resources to encourage you, please email me at:  Decrees are also

available from people like Patricia King, Brenda Kunneman (Daily Decree YT*) and Wanda Alger, and I have put some together myself…from God’s written word, as well as those which have come via trustworthy prophetic people with a track record of prophecies fulfilled. “Rejoice, rejoice, and again I say, Rejoice!”

*Daily Decree (Brenda Kunneman, YouTube) on January 3, 2023 contains a good explanation of why we decree.