Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Turn Around, Look at Me


Do song lyrics pop in your head from time to time, even ones you wish wouldn’t appear there?  As I stop to really think about particular songs that pop up in my mind, the love-or-die lyrics make me chuckle. Actually, more seriously, the ‘can’t live  without you’ messages are downright idolatrous. As teens, we were susceptible to them, however, stuck in what the Lee Ezell referred to as The Cinderella Syndrome. 

   As I grew older and my faith and relationship with the Lord deepened, I began to see the deceptive nature of these songs (old and new). So when tunes popped into my head, I began creating Christian lyrics for them…or I sang the love songs directly to the Lord. Here’s an old one the Lettermen used to sing in my teenage years

“ There is someone walking behind you. 

Turn around, look at me.

There is someone watching your footsteps

Turn around, look at me..
There is someone, who really loves you...
Here's my heart, in my hand..
Turn around, Look at me..
Understand, ...
That there's someone..
To stand beside you..
Turn around, look at me..
There's someone to love and guide you,
Turn around, look at me...
I've been waiting,
But I'll wait forever..
For you to come to me...
Look at someone, who really loves you..
Turn around, look at me.”

     When we lived in Cape Canaveral, the Disney ship would play the beginning of “When you wish upon a star” as they were leaving port. I do not wish on stars, and didn’t want to find myself unconsciously singing that song when it lodged itself in my head. So I created new lyrics for the tune:
“When you pray to God above, you will meet a heart of love
When you pray to God above, He’ll answer you.
If your heart is in your prayers, you will never need despair
When you pray to God above, He’ll answer you.”

Go ahead, try it. 

   Since then I’ve found numerous songs I can sing directly to Jesus, to the Father, and to Holy Spirit…or at least adapt for the purpose. Ever watch the musical ‘The Fantasticks’?  There’s a song that begins, Love, you are love, better far than any metaphor can ever, ever be. Love, you are love, my mystery of love.” 

   When you hear oldies (or ‘newies’) on the air, or get a song stuck in your head that glorifies humans, see if you can turn it into a love song for Yeshua. He’ll get a kick out of it.