Tuesday, April 27, 2021

“And a hug around the neck...”


  I can’t even remember the title of this song I remember my mom singing, but it ended with “and a hug around the neck”.  [Ok, it’s “A Bushel and a Peck,”]  This morning in my “listening time,” the Lord sent me a mental picture of my granddaughter’s hug. It’s difficult to imagine anything much more wonderful on this earth. I love when she lingers there, with her head tucked in the crook of my neck, instead of remaining only a few seconds before running off. 

   Those times of complete resting on me in contented peace, with no place she’d rather be, are an image of eternity inside the Shalom of the Father. Many times, I give Him a quick hug at the end of my prayer time and then scamper off to my next activity. He smiles and sends me on my way, but He, too, loves best when I linger there, with no place I’d rather be than tucked into the crook of His neck. A place of complete rest and contentment.

   Many of us are loaded with swirling thoughts and concerns, anxieties about where circumstances are heading...questions about how we should be praying and what we should be doing or pursuing. He knows it all. He’s ready, willing, and delighted to give us His wisdom, discernment and direction, to prosper us as we go in response to His purposes and plans for us.  However, like the Parent and Grandparent that He is, He invites us first to linger, to go limp in His arms in utter abandon, with our arms entwined around His neck. Eternity lives there.