Friday, September 18, 2020

The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit

    As I prepared to share some thoughts at church about hearing directly from God, rather than depending on our own insights and understanding, a phrase from Scripture popped into my head. Our church often quotes this as part of the blessing and dismissal at the end of the service:

 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.   [2 Corinthians 13-14]

   I’ve heard this verse from Paul quoted my whole life, but it was only then that it struck me what a privilege that fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Truly this is what prayer—including listening,  conversing and simply being in His Presence—is all about. Fellowship can also involve having fun with others and joking around, enjoying making them laugh....sharing a meal, listening to their deepest thoughts, being quiet together, getting to know their personality...their likes and dislikes, their tender hearts, their ‘take’ on issues, what hurts them the most, what makes them happy. 

   Deep fellowship develops over a long period of time by being with someone on a regular basis. You can have fun with others with whom you don’t talk often or know very well. However, that relationship, while enjoyable, will remain superficial if you never learn their true hearts. 

   When Paul prayed we’d have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I’m sure he knew that every other blessing would flow out of that relationship.  For the Jews, fellowship with the Holy Spirit being possible for every believer was a recent and radical change, a gift given by Jesus when He ascended to heaven. Prior to this time, it was for a few chosen individuals. We should never take this incredible gift for granted...and most definitely never leave it lying abandoned in a drawer.  Let’s blow the dust off and open it with reverence and delight for the treasure it is. If we hold it up to our ear, like a conch shell at seaside, we’ll hear the Shepherd thoughts at church about hearing directly from God, rather than depending on our own insights and understanding, a phrase from Scripture popped into my head. Our church often quotes this as part of the blessing and dismissal at the end of the service:

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.   [2 Corinthians 13-14]

   I’ve heard this verse from Paul quoted my whole life, but it was only then that it struck me what a privilege that fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Truly this is what prayer—including listening,  conversing and simply being in His Presence—is all about. Fellowship can also involve having fun with others and joking around, enjoying making them laugh....sharing a meal, listening to their deepest thoughts, being quiet together, getting to know their personality...their likes and dislikes, their tender hearts, their ‘take’ on issues, what hurts them the most, what makes them happy. 

   Deep fellowship develops over a long period of time by being with someone on a regular basis. You can have fun with others with whom you don’t talk often or know very well. However, that relationship, while enjoyable, will remain superficial if you never learn their true hearts. 

   When Paul prayed we’d have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I’m sure he knew that every other blessing would flow out of that relationship.  For the Jews, fellowship with the Holy Spirit being possible for every believer was a recent and radical change, a gift given by Jesus when He ascended to heaven. Prior to this time, it was for a few chosen individuals. We should never take this incredible gift for granted...and most definitely never leave it lying abandoned in a drawer. Let’s blow the dust off  the box and open it with reverence and delight for the treasure it is. If we hold it up to our ear, like a conch shell at seaside, we’ll hear the Shepherd calling.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Listening to God directly

In today's blog, (Surprise by Sweetness), I referred to sharing in church about the importance of listening to God and keeping that intimate relationship with him.  For those interested, here is the first 10 minutes of the talk..  (You'll have to turn your volume way up and/or use earbuds.  We didn't plan in advance on recording it, so it's a phone recording.)  I will be posting an outline of the rest at:, if you would like to see more later.  


Surprised by Sweetness

    I was feeling all yucky inside, with all the ‘stuff’ happening and the sickening words and actions of the times. Just yesterday I had spoken in church about the crucial need for listening to God directly, rather than relying on our own or other people’s understanding. For decades I have used those little speckled journals to listen and try to write down (by 'taking dictation’) what He says, as best I can. 

   Writing down has helped me stay focused, with my thoughts zinging around my mind and external distractions calling out to me.  If there’s ever been a time to commit to significant times of listening to the Holy Spirit, it’s now. Yet sometimes it’s difficult to quiet our souls to just be with Him and listen. To persist until His voice breaks through and begins to flow in our minds. 

   This morning was a challenge to LIVE what I advised just yesterday. I was tempted to just give up and start the rest of my day. Thankfully, I didn’t. His deep peace descended, and He told me to ‘soak my dry bones in His Spirit...His ‘abiding place,’ to absorb His life-giving nutrients’. “Let me refresh your mind," He said..."wash, wash, wash (image of a washing machine), cleansing it from the ‘stuff’ that has attached itself. “

   I can only describe what I then experienced as a sweetness which came to me. It was like hearing a tender Christmas carol and smelling the scent of evergreen,  while tucked up on the sofa in front of a lighted tree. "Oh yeah, that's what that feels like...purity, innocence, and peace all rolled into one.  I'd forgotten."  The Holy Spirit is the source of all that is pure and beautiful and life-giving.

   At the same time that I was trying to listen to Him, sweet and creative ideas were flowing faster than I could record them. “Are these distractions, Lord?” I asked. “I’m trying to pay attention to what you’re saying!”

“I know creative ideas are flowing all around you,” He answered...“faster than you can pull them out of the water.. When you place yourself inside My Stream, they will flow continually along with and around you. They always exist there by My creative Nature. You will be like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory!”

“You are SO funny, Lord.  And a pun on 'sweetness', too? Really?"