Friday, July 31, 2020

This lane open

I thought I’d share a short laugh from our Father this morning. He shared an image with me of a grocery store with long lines of socially distanced people. He called out This lane wide open! No need for distancing! No need for less than 10 items of concern! Step right up! There are three Persons all working that lane together, by the way, all with smiles and no masks.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


 As I continue this year’s journey through Exodus, I have to force myself to slow down and picture what I’m visualize and imagine. In past readings, I confess to having buzzed through the detailed instructions for the Tabernacle.  Since I’m In 2020 (what, really?) I can search online for pictures, where others have done the work of drawing, painting, modeling the Ark of the Covenant, the acacia wood altar, and each aspect of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.  Some have even added their interpretations of the meaning behind the minute instructions and squeezed them into their pictures. Amazing! Thanks, guys!

Meanwhile, I need to stop, picture, imagine, question, and listen for myself. “What new insights do You want to share with me about these Old Testament events, Lord? What do you want me to learn or do in response to this concept of Tabernacling in the wilderness? Sometimes I try to draw an element like the lampstand for myself, even though skilled artists have already done so. It’s been interesting that the slow, manual process of drawing has created a settling of my mind and spirit to better listen for what He has to say.
Come Tabernacle with Me....come Tabernacle with Me in this dry wilderness of 2020. Amidst the chaos and lawlessness and lies and dearth of Truth, you will find my oasis, My Tent of Meeting. There is flowing, bubbling, peaceful, life-giving water here. “Draw near with faith”and without fear. You no longer have to be afraid...fearful to perform everything perfectly.. Be reverent, but not afraid. Honor Me with holy awe but love Me as your ABBA. Never forget the gift you have been given by My Son...that you may come to Me in this way.  Stop awhile in the Old Testament to fully appreciate the New. Understand how fear and trepidation have been replaced by My Shalom....that which I have desired for you since I created my son 
Adam and daughter Eve and placed them in the Garden with that very Shalom of provision, wholeness, intimacy, and blessing. Redemption, Reconciliation,  Restoration are now available to all who are willing to receive them.

Never take My gifts for granted. Never receive them flippantly or lightly, but reverently, with deep appreciation and awareness.  Hold them, as you would a fragile bird or delicate flower in your hand. Note every vivid detail, every facet...and be filled with awe. Fall on your knees in gratefulness. Better yet, fall into My arms. This was My desire all along.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Here am I...(Rabbit Ears, Part II)

When I hear the phrase Here am I, I immediately think of Samuel, who heard God whisper his name. [Samuel 3:4] It took three times for Samuel (and Eli) to realize that it was God calling him. However, I never remembered that Moses responded the same way when God called out to him. [Exodus 3:4]  I usually think of him as a reluctant and insecure prophet. However, at least he was listening well enough to hear God call to him. Before that time, Jacob was twice called out to by ‘the Angel’ and responded,  “Here I am.” [Genesis 31 & Genesis 46] Even earlier,  Abraham, when God called to him first to sacrifice his precious son of promise and then to refrain from it, also said “Here I am.”  [Genesis 22:1, 11] (I think I would have held my hands over my ears and wobbled my head, saying, I can’t hear you!)

Call and response.. All of these individuals responded (at least ultimately) with faith and obedience. Well, Moses...stalled quite awhile before agreeing to be ‘sent’. I think I identify best with Moses.  “Hey, God, I have a better idea. Why don’t you send my brother...yeah, send him. He’s a much better speaker. I don’t think anyone, especially Pharaoh, will pay any attention to me. I’d really rather stay here and tend the flocks, if you don’t mind. Yeah, Mikey will do it!” (Sorry, younger’s an old cereal commercial reference.)

I, like Moses, am intimidated by all the positively demonic attitudes of ranting and violent people, including friends, whose downright hatred for my beliefs is beyond irrational. I would rather hide out in my cocoon and plug my ears.  However, God has not stopped calling. What He specifically calls us to say and do will vary. But He doesn’t want our fear of man to cause us to pretend we can’t hear Him. “Lord, did You say something? I must have been distracted.”  Yes, by fear and panic. I just want to be content and cozy, Lord. Aren’t there other people whom You can ask to go out there and make a difference?  After all, I’m retired! And You know I hate it when people are mad at me.  Poor excuse? Yes, I remember You saying something about people hating me who hate You. But now people hate me who don’t hate you. They believe in you! Oh, right, that part about deception in the latter days....Ok. I am without excuse, aren’t I? Do I want to partner with You to bring people to You and have their eyes opened to Your Truth? To see the delusion they’re under? Yes, Lord. Yes. Even though the war within me rages to remain hidden away. The real tending of sheep is not for wimps, is it? Any Shepherd will tell of the courage required. Ok. Can I do it afraid, as Joyce Meyer says? Right, got it. As long as You’re with me, telling me what to say or do and when to say it. And also how to pray. You promised to do all that? Yes, You did, didn’t you? Rabbit ears? Ok....
Here am I. Send me.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Rabbit Ears

I love to have my prayer time on the porch and listen to all the birds, living in the trees surrounding us. I’ve wondered from which bird each call, song, or cry emanated. So I downloaded an app called BirdNet. I record the birds and then ask the app to analyze and identify the source, if it’s able. So far it’s identified about a dozen birds.  

The challenge in recording is to capture the quieter bird songs between the raucous calls of the crow and the scrub jay. This caused me to ponder what it is like for our Heavenly Father, with billions of voices calling out...some directly to Him and many just plaintively calling.  They don’t realize He hears their every whisper and every inaudible cry.

The Lord knows every one of our voices, as well as the number of hairs on our head.* He longs to have a two-way conversation with us. He hears the human equivalent of the soft coo of a dove at the exact same time as the unlovely cry of the raven. One does not drown out the other. In fact, He recognizes every individual dove, jay, towhee, swallow, starling, and robin as distinct from one another. You are not just part of a species and genus to Him, but rather a creature like no other. He hears every personality-filled call.

But do we hear His? Do we recognize the voice of the Shepherd amidst the cacophony of world events, social media posts, movies, television broadcasts, and conversations with friends and strangers? Do we listen intently amidst the fears, anxieties, dread, rationalizations, and even happy diversions of our minds?

When I was young, my mother called me rabbit ears. She and my father could be whispering 2 rooms away, and I would ask them questions about their conversation. “How do you DO that?” they would ask me. The Lord reminded me of this recently. 

I want you to have rabbit ears again, He said. 
What, Lord?, I replied with consternation.
Rabbit ears...remember? I want you to to listen so intently for me that you can hear me through all the noise and chaos of the world around you, especially when I seem far away..  Even through the fears and anxieties of your soul. It is vital now that you do, and even more so in the future. It will help if you turn off the secular external audio input. However, there’s no OFF switch for the internal voices, except through the power of My Holy Spirit. Tune those rabbit ears to My frequency and fine tune your reception. I AM above the circumstances in which you live, and you can be, too. But you must stay finely tuned.

Spend more time feeding yourself with the good food of My Word, by discerning teaching, and most of all by praying in My Spirit. Your rabbit ear growth comes from these...from My very Presence.  Live higher.  You will hear My whisper in your ear.
My sheep listen to mu voice; I know them and they follow me.  --John 10:27

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.[a] And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.    --Matthew 10:29-31
You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain. ...

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.
--Psalm 139: 1-6; 17-18