Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ready to Jump On?

Remember those career days at school, where you could bring your parent in to share what he or she did for a living?  (In my school days in the 50’s and early 60’s,  it was pretty much just the dads.). This morning I was envisioning what it would be like to take my ABBA to school for career day.

Can’t you just picture holding his hand and introducing Him:  Hi everybody...this is my dad! He created the whole world and all the universes,  just by speaking! He keeps everything going, too! He is so good and kind and wise.  He’s the perfect dad. It might take Him quite awhile to tell you His job description, so maybe we should eat our lunches here in the classroom.  I’d like to say He’s just mine, but I know He wants to adopt all of you, too. So pay attention, everybody. He has the best job ever!

Are you proud of your Heavenly Father? Do you guard His reputation when people try to slander Him? Do you stand up for Him when His character is maligned? Are you more afraid of what others think of you than you are how God is regarded? I’ve had to ask myself these questions.

When people attribute illness and death to my Heavenly Father, do I speak up? When someone asks why He took a child or gave someone cancer as a teaching opportunity, am I quick to jump up and say, “Hey, that’s not my dad! He’s not like that! Don’t you say that about my daddy! He’s a good dad, a great dad. He would never do that!  [Obviously, He gives us mature ways of communicating that truth, but that attitude should be what rises up in us.]

As children, many of us were quick to praise and defend our earthly fathers, who were so very imperfect. Why do we not declare how good our perfect, Heavenly Father is, who gave everything for us so we could be with Him both in this life and forever? Why do we timidly stand back while even Christians slander him?  Is it because we’re uncertain about Who He really is and what He’s really like? Have we let doctrines and philosophies and circumstances dictate our understanding and replace our delving first-hand into His Word?  I know I have.

No more. I am seeking the truth about His nature as never before, and He, who always answers prayers for wisdom, has given me a seat in His Healing Academy of the Holy Spirit. I can’t get enough of these new understandings of His Word. Finally, after decades of setting certain Scriptures aside because I didn’t know what to do with them (“You shall do greater works than these....If you say to this mountain...”) my eyes are being opened to the hows and whys of what Jesus said.

Jesus didn’t say “...gotcha...just joking!” when He spoke those words. Neither does He toy with us and tell us to do things that are ridiculously impossible, although that’s what it had seemed like to me. There are people and ministries right now living out His statements with signs and wonders...massive numbers of healings, deliverances, resurrections from the dead...blind eyes opened, deaf ears hearing, the depressed freed, the addicted delivered, the paralyzed walking.  Greater works indeed! Yeshua doesn’t lie.

The proof is in the pudding, and you and I can enter in, if we’re willing to let go of our pride and be humble enough to learn.  To be more concerned about fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives than we are in our own comfort, or in leaning on our own understanding. To repent of being modern day Pharisees and, instead, say, “teach me, Lord!”  “I believe; help my unbelief!” “Show me my error. Let me see you as You really are. Forgive me for maligning Your character in my mind and heart and speech...and for being silent as others have done the same.  You are so Good. You want us well and provided for in body, soul, and spirit. You suffered and died not only for our sins to be forgiven, but for us to have everything we need for abundant lives here and now. We place ourselves in Your life-giving School of the Holy Spirit and say, ‘Lead us on!’”

If you want to join the class in which I'm currently a student, try listening to any of these people (searchable on YouTube), who are living out Jesus' first century call:  Andrew Wommack, Audrey Mack, Barry Bennett, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Todd White.  The eyes of your heart will be enlightened, as mine have been, and you'll never be the same, as you follow where Yeshua will take you.  Remember, humble yourself...and He will lift you up....  If you think you already know it all (you've read it, studied it, taught it, heard it all before) won't be able to receive the truth of it, by seeing new insights into His Word.