This is my first Christmas in this new season of my life. I can luxuriate now in large doses of quiet on a weekday morning, with no parameters looming. I’ve often wished to soak in the tub of the Holy Spirit’s presence and dwell in the reverence and holiness of the time of angels and shepherds, keeping the shopping world at bay while His Star shines forth onto the silent hillside of my heart .
Even so, my ‘get-er-done’ personality is tempted to jump up and accomplish various tasks on my to-do list. I have to say no to this Martha self and tell her to wait, while I participate in my Mary’s ‘better part’. When one is soaking in a tub, the door is closed to everything outside it. So should it be in the tub of the Holy Spirit. The light of God’s candle shines, the fragrance of lavender wafts in the air, the sacred music touches the deep places of body, soul, and spirit.
This morning, as I was remembering and longing for the holiness and intimacy of some church experiences past, Adonai reminded me that this exquisite intimacy is always available to me, no matter where I am. His habitation beneath His Canopy, His Tent of meeting with its canvas flap, is open day and night because of His gift of Himself as Emmanuel.
There is an old praise song whose lyrics say, “Commune with Me...beneath the wings of the cherubim...I’ll meet you there...commune with Me....” Whether woman or man, we are His Bride; He draws us under the bridal canopy as His own forever. As Babe, Bridegroom, and Mighty Savior, He is always Emmanuel, God-with-us. He longs for us to come with swift, expectant feet into His dwelling place, where we find He’s also chosen to dwell within us.
Emmanuel, God with us, is also God within us. When we yield ourselves to Him in grateful abandon, we are encompassed by Him in such a way that we don’t even know where we leave off and He begins. Yet we revere Him as Holy beyond our understanding. That He paid the price for us to be wholly and completely His in the midst of His holiness, is incomprehensible but wonderfully true.
Let’s push from us, as my mother used to say, ‘the tyranny of the urgent’ and instead urgently run into the arms of His Holy Spirit. Let’s soak in the vibrant quiet of the Holy Night and all that He offers us because of it, rejoicing in the Gift of His all-encompassing Presence.