Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nothing Too Small

      As I was offering my prayers to the Father this morning, I was very aware of the smallness, even pettiness, of my concerns in the face of all those in all the world: Christians being tortured and martyred for their faith; girls and boys, women and men being taken into sex trafficking; those dying for lack of food and fresh water.  How could God not be disgusted with my relatively trite requests for His intervention, when He sees all these devastating issues in need of His (and our) help?
      Via His usual pedagogy, He gave me a picture of my children when they were small, coming to me with a broken toy or a broken relationship, tears in their eyes. Would I ever have belittled their heartbreak, diminished their concerns, relegated their needs to the unimportant shelf of my life, in lieu of bills that needed paying, financial-securing jobs which required my attention, or even friends in deep crisis?
     Nothing was too small for me to care about if it was important to them, no matter how much greater perspective I held on the world around me. My adult wisdom never limited my depth of caring where their hearts and well-being were concerned.
     ADONAI is so much better a parent than we are...our Good, Good Father.  Nothing is too small for His tender heart where we are concerned. Rejoice at the depth of His love for you and His care of the tiniest details of Your life.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  And yet not one will fall to the ground outside your Father's care."    --Matthew 10:29