Thursday, December 1, 2016

Affectionate Reverence

   "Affectionate reverence." That is how the Amplified Bible translates 'the fear of the Lord'. Ever since I read that years ago, I've been struck by the truth of it. This morning the Lord reminded me that one without the other is insufficient. Reverence without love reduces us to simple fear. Affection without reverence makes us presumptive and cavalier in His presence. Only in combination do deep reverence and whole-hearted affection bring us into the right kind of relationship with Him who loves us tenderly yet causes us to fall at His feet in awe, wonder and utter humility.
   Let’s not forget that, in the image of the book of Esther, the Father chooses to ‘extend His scepter to us’ in the grace we received through His Son. It is not a deserved right, but a privilege. One in which He also delights, but something not to be received without full appreciation of what it took for that ‘acceptance in the beloved’ to be extended to us.
   As we progress through this Advent season of preparation, may we simultaneously fall on our faces and hug the stuffin's out of Him.