Saturday, August 20, 2016

God Stoops Down

Psalm 18 says that the Creator of the Universe 'stooped down to make us great' (perhaps better translated as 'significant'). As he bends His knee to look us lovingly in the eye on this speck of a perfectly planned planet, let us also kneel down...and then be raised up to throw our arms around His neck in grateful abandon to His very personal love.  Squeeze the stuffin's out of Him and see His slow and tender smile in return. Go ahead, make His day.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hot Coals Instead of Flames

I loved two analogies and one other quote from David Benham (Benham brothers) today on Life Today (*).
>Boldness without brokenness makes a bully.
>We are to be like chocolate chips in cookies.  Chocolate chips, you say?  Watch it and find out.
>We are to be like hot coals adjacent to one another, rather than single flames.  When the wind blows, we are not snuffed out but, instead, ignited.

Funny guys...
Their new book is "Living Among Lions," available for a donation towards a water well.
*Scroll down to see "This Week on Life Today"....Thursday's broadcast

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are you a Mentsh?

Are you a mentsh? My Complete Jewish Bible (David Stern) defines a mentsh as " a good, reliable person; a real human being, energetic, moral, and compassionate."
1 Corinthians 15:13:  "Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, behave like a mentsh, grow strong. Let everything you do be done in love."
I like this.